Streamlit Apps for the topic

04 Basic Hydrogeology

Flow to wells

Well capture zone

This app computes the capture zone for an abstraction well in a confined aquifer. The user can modify parameters like pumping rate Q, hydraulic conductivity K, and more to investigate the effect on the shape of the capture zone.

Screenshot of the app

You can access the app here:

Steady state flow to a well in a confined aquifer (Thiem solution)

This app computes the steady state flow to a well in a confined aquifer by using the Thiem equation. The user can modify parameters like pumping rate Q, hydraulic conductivity K, and more to investigate the effect on the cone of drawdown.

Screenshot of the app

You can access the app here:

Steady state flow to a well in an unconfined aquifer (Thiem solution)

This app computes the steady state flow to a well in an unconfined aquifer by using the Thiem equation. The user can modify parameters like pumping rate Q, hydraulic conductivity K, and more to investigate the effect on the cone of drawdown.

Screenshot of the app

You can access the app here:

Transient flow to a well in a confined aquifer (Theis solution)

This app computes the transient flow to a well in an confined aquifer by using the Theis solution. The user can modify parameters like pumping rate Q, transmissivity T, and more to investigate the effect on the cone of drawdown. Results can be visualized as function of time and space.

Screenshot of the app

You can access the app here:

Transient flow to a well in a confined aquifer (Theis solution)

This app computes the transient flow to a well in an confined and unconfined aquifer by using the Theis solution. The user can modify parameters like pumping rate Q, transmissivity T, Storativity and more to investigate the effect on the cone of drawdown for both aquifer types. Results can be visualized as function of time and space.

Screenshot of the app

You can access the app here: