SYMPLE - School of Hydrogeological Modeling

A collection of Jupyter Notebooks for the SYMPLE School of Hydrogeological Modeling.


You can access and execute them online with your browser through the MyBinder service with the provided link or by using the QR code on your mobile device. These links will render all Notebooks as (user-friendly) Voila Dashboards, i.e., the underlying Python Code is invisible.

Alternatively, you can access the whole repository of notebooks online with this link to MyBinder (eventually, the start takes some minutes - please be patient). Then, browse through the collection of notebooks and execute them. If you are new to Jupyter Notebooks, it is suggested to have a look at 00_Getting_started.ipynb.

Alternatively, you can download the Jupyter Notebooks from the GitHub repository (specified in Origin* within the table) and execute them locally through a suitable Jupyter Notebook installation (e.g., Anaconda). With a properly installed Anaconda, just

  • open the command window with CMD.
  • Browse to your local folder on your computer that contains the Jupyter Notebooks.
  • Start your local Jupyter interpreter (hub) by typing Jupyter Notebook in your command window.
  • Subsequently, your browser should open, and you will be ready to execute the notebooks.

Table legend / Abbreviations:

*Origin: ** (Repository) 01 - Water cycle; 02 - Basic hydrology; 03 Soil physics; 04 Basic hydrogeology; 05 Applied hydrogeology; 06 Groundwater modeling

Type**: Notebook… A) with explanations; B) just figure; C) as a workbook

Content Origin*/Type** Preview Access QR access
(01) Volume_Mass_Budget.ipynb: Water cycle and mass balances, incl. the example of radioactive decay. 01/C Binder
(02) Radioactive_Decay.ipynb: Mass balances and example of radioactive decay. 01/A Binder Binder
(03) 1D_Conduction.ipynb: A comparison of diffusive/conductive movement for groundwater flow and heat transport. 05/A Binder Binder
(04) GWF_1D_unconf_analytic_v00.ipynb: A solution for 1D unconfined flow, bounded by two defined heads; variation of hydraulic conductivity and recharge. 04/A Binder Binder
(05) GWF_1D_unconf_analytic_BC.ipynb: Differences between physical and hydraulic boundary conditions based on the analytical solution of 1D unconfined groundwater flow. 04/C Binder Binder
(06) GWF_1D_unconf_analytic_BC3.ipynb: Analytical solution for 1D unconfined groundwater flow demonstrating the behavior of a 3rd type (Robin) boundary. 04/A PRE Binder Binder
(07) Theis_interactive.ipynb 05/A PRE NB Binder Voila Binder QR
(08) TYPE_CURVE_MATCHING_VARNUM.ipynb 05/A PRE NB Binder Voila Binder QR
(09) Well_Catchment.ipynb 04/A PRE NB Binder Voila Binder QR
(10) TRANS_1D_AD_analytic.ipynb: Analytical solution of 1D transport with advection and dispersion. Incl. curve fitting with given data. 05/A Binder Binder
(11) TRANS_1D_MT3D.ipynb 06/A PRE Offline use Offline use
(12) DCC_Equivalent_Hydr_Cond.ipynb: Computes the equivalent hydraulic conductivity (for Darcys law) of a karst conduit. 05/B Binder Binder
(13) DCC_Flow_Equations.ipynb: Interactive plot of discharge vs. hydraulic gradient for the Hagen-Poiseuille and Colebrook-White equation. 05/B Binder Binder